Resistance Running Training: 15 Effective Tips for Mastery




Resistance Running Training

Ever feel like you’ve hit a plateau in your running speed and endurance? Trust me, it’s a common challenge many of us face. But don’t fret, after multiple late-night research sessions combined with hands-on fieldwork experimenting various workouts, I stumbled upon the game-changing solution – resistance running training.

So gear up as this blog post will arm you with 15 effective tips to conquer resistance running training. We’ll cover everything from strength-building exercises to power-packed speed sessions.

Ready to crank up your performance dial and leave those plateaus in the dust? Let’s get down to business!

Key Takeaways

  • Resistance running training is a game – changing solution for improving running speed and endurance.
  • Incorporating strength training exercises like rows, glute bridges, and kettlebell swings can help runners improve stability, power, and speed.
  • Strength training for runners has benefits such as improved stability and form, increased power and speed, and reduced risk of injury.

Strength Training Exercises for Runners

strength training exercises in a gym.” title=”A photo of runners performing strength training exercises in a gym.” class=”awimage” />

Here are 15 effective strength training exercises that will help improve your stability, power, and speed as a runner: rows, lat pull down while standing, stability ball extensions, lateral band walks with arm drive, glute bridges, kettlebell swings..


I love doing rows as part of my workout. This strength exercise works on my upper and middle back muscles. It helps me run better by making my body strong. Rows also fix my posture.

A good posture lets me run with a smooth flow. My core gets firm too, and this keeps me stable while I run. With stronger back muscles, I feel powerful when I push off the ground with each stride.

Add rows in your running training plan for a better performance!

Lat Pull Down While Standing

I love doing the Lat Pull Down exercise while standing. It helps to make my back strong. Having a strong back is key when you run or do lifts. This workout moves your back muscles, shoulders, and arms.

Keep in mind, it’s vital to use the right form and way of doing this exercise. Correct form ensures you get all the good from this workout. Adding the standing lat pull down to your training can lead to better posture and even muscle growth everywhere!

Stability Ball Extensions

Stability Ball Extensions are great for running. These exercises make your legs and back stronger. You use a big round ball and stretch out on it. It helps your hamstrings, quadriceps, and lower part of the back.

Doing this every week will make your glute muscles strong too. This can help you run better and for longer times without feeling tired quickly. Plus, it can also refine how you run by improving stride and efficiency!

Lateral Band Walks with Arm Drive

I love incorporating lateral band walks with arm drive into my strength training routine as a runner. This exercise adds an extra challenge by engaging not only my lower body but also my upper body.

The arm movement helps to improve coordination and balance while specifically targeting the hip abductors and gluteus medius. It’s a great way to work out the entire body and enhance strength and performance for running.

Adding lateral band walks with arm drive to my resistance training has really made a difference in my running abilities!

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges are a great exercise for runners because they target the glutes and hamstrings, which are important muscles used while running. You can do glute bridges on one leg or two legs, depending on how challenging you want it to be.

To make them even more effective, you can add weights to increase the intensity. Strengthening your glutes with exercises like glute bridges can improve your running power and stability.

It also helps with pelvic stability while running, which is essential for maintaining proper form and reducing the risk of injuries. So don’t forget to include glute bridges in your strength training routine as a runner!

Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are an effective strength training exercise for runners. They can help improve your aerobic fitness and increase how much oxygen your body uses during exercise. This means you’ll be able to run longer without getting tired as quickly.

Kettlebell swings also work multiple muscle groups, including your glutes, core, shoulders, and legs. This can help improve your running performance by making these muscles stronger and more efficient.

Plus, kettlebell swings can be a great form of cardio exercise on their own because they get your heart rate up and make you breathe harder. So if you’re looking to add some variety to your workouts or want an exercise that works both strength and cardio at the same time, give kettlebell swings a try!

Side Lunge with Overhead Press

The side lunge with overhead press is a great exercise for runners. It targets important muscles like the glutes, quads, abductors, and adductors. These muscles are crucial for lower body strength and stability while running.

Side lunges also engage the lateral muscles, which can help improve coordination and balance. Additionally, this exercise incorporates an overhead press, which works the upper body muscles as well.

You can modify the difficulty of side lunges by adding weights or adjusting the range of motion. This exercise is particularly beneficial for females as it targets the inner and outer thighs.

Jump Squats

Jump squats are a great exercise for runners to improve leg strength and power. They involve jumping explosively from a squat position and landing back into a squat. By doing jump squats, you can increase your explosive strength, vertical jump height, and sprint performance.

It’s important to include heavy strength training exercises like jump squats in your workout routine because they can help you jump higher and perform better in activities that require power.

Plus, jump squats can also reduce the risk of injury for runners while enhancing overall running performance. So, add some jump squats to your training regimen and watch your athletic performance soar!

Reverse Crunch

I love doing reverse crunches as part of my core workout routine for running. This exercise targets the rectus abdominis muscle, which helps to strengthen my abs and oblique muscles.

It’s a great way to improve my core strength and stability, which is important for maintaining good form while running. Plus, by engaging my glutes during reverse crunches, I can also build strength in those muscles that are crucial for power and stride length when I’m out on a run.

It’s a fantastic alternative to traditional crunches and adds variety to my core workout routine.

Dead Bug Toe Touch

The Dead Bug Toe Touch is a great exercise for runners that targets the core, spine, and back muscles. It helps to improve overall core stability and coordination. This exercise also promotes good posture by encouraging a neutral spine position.

By strengthening these muscles, you can prevent injuries while running and improve your running form. The Dead Bug Toe Touch is an effective way to work your abs and achieve total body conditioning.

So give this exercise a try to enhance your running performance!

Shoulder Taps from Plank

Plank shoulder taps are a great strength training exercise for runners. They work your abs, triceps, chest, hamstrings, and back muscles all at once. This exercise can help reduce lower back pain and improve core strength.

It also helps prevent injuries and enhances running performance. Plank shoulder taps are a type of isometric exercise that focuses on static strength training. They can be progressed or modified to provide continued challenge and improvement over time.

So add plank shoulder taps to your workout routine for stronger upper body, improved core stability, and better overall running performance!

Kneeling Shoulder Press

The Kneeling Shoulder Press is a strength training exercise that can benefit runners. It helps to strengthen the shoulder muscles, which are important for maintaining good running form and preventing injuries.

To do this exercise, start by kneeling on the ground with your knees hip-width apart and your core engaged. Hold dumbbells in each hand at shoulder height, palms facing forward. Then, press the dumbbells straight up overhead, keeping your elbows close to your ears.

Lower the dumbbells back down to shoulder level and repeat for several reps. This exercise targets the deltoids and triceps muscles in the shoulders, helping to improve upper body strength for better overall performance as a runner.

A photo featuring diverse individuals wearing various athletic outfits and shoes, surrounded by exercise equipment on a well-lit track.

Single Leg Deadlift into Press

The single leg deadlift into press is a great exercise for runners because it targets the glutes and hamstrings, which are important muscles for running. It’s more intense than doing the exercise with both legs, so you’ll get a better workout.

Single leg exercises like this are also helpful for addressing muscle imbalances and improving your strength and coordination on one leg. If you want to try the single leg Romanian deadlift, there are step-by-step guides available that can help you master the technique.

By incorporating single leg deadlifts into your strength training routine, you can improve your running performance and become a more efficient runner.

Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is an exercise that targets your oblique muscles, which are the muscles on the side of your abdomen. These muscles help with twisting and rotating movements. By including Russian Twists in your workout routine, you can burn fat and tone your abdominal muscles.

It’s a great exercise for building core strength and stability. You can do Russian Twists with or without weights, depending on how challenging you want it to be. Some people even do 100 Russian Twists a day to see visible results! So give this exercise a try and feel the burn in your abs!

Forearm Plank Hip Dips

Forearm Plank Hip Dips are a great exercise for strengthening your core muscles, including your abs and obliques. They can also help trim down your waistline and improve flexibility in your spine.

These dips specifically target the muscles that are important for running, such as the glutes and the side-to-side stability muscles. To do this exercise, start by getting into a side plank position with your forearm on the ground and your body forming a straight line from your feet to your shoulders.

Then, lower your hip towards the floor and then lift it back up. This movement engages your core and helps improve body alignment and shoulder stability while running.

Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

Strength training for runners has numerous benefits, including improved stability and form, increased power and speed, and reduced risk of injury.

Improved stability and form

Strength training is crucial for runners because it helps improve stability and form, which leads to better running performance. When we have a strong core, it allows us to maintain proper posture while running, resulting in more efficient movement.

Additionally, lower body strength exercises like glute bridges and side lunges help increase stability and balance, reducing the risk of injuries during our runs. Strengthening the muscles around our joints also improves joint stability and alignment, allowing for optimal movement while running.

By focusing on improving stability and form through strength training, we can enhance our overall running experience by increasing our running economy and reducing fatigue.

Increased power and speed

Strength training is a key factor in increasing power and speed for runners. By working on building muscle strength, you can improve your running performance significantly. When you have stronger muscles, it allows you to generate more force and power with each stride, resulting in increased speed and acceleration.

Additionally, by incorporating resistance training into your routine, you can enhance your sprinting ability and become faster overall. This is because resistance exercises target the specific muscles involved in sprinting, helping them grow stronger and more efficient.

So if you want to boost your running capabilities, don’t forget to include strength training exercises in your workouts!

Reduced risk of injury

Strength training plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of injuries for runners. Scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of incorporating strength training exercises into your regimen to prevent overuse injuries and enhance stability and form.

By strengthening hip abductor and quadriceps muscles, you can improve your body’s ability to withstand the repetitive impact of running, reducing the likelihood of injuries. Engaging in strength training 2-3 times per week can significantly decrease your risk of harm while enjoying this beloved sport.

So, lace up those shoes and prioritize injury prevention with a well-rounded strength training program!

Introduction to Resistance Running Training

Are you a running enthusiast who’s always looking for ways to improve your performance? Well, have you ever thought about adding resistance running training into the mix? It might just be the game-changer you’ve been searching for.

Resistance running training is all about taking your strength and technique to new heights. By incorporating various forms of resistance, like parachutes or weighted sleds, you can boost your muscle power and endurance.

And trust me, that extra push can make a world of difference in how efficient of a runner you become.

But it’s not just about getting stronger – resistance running training also works wonders for preventing injuries and improving overall athletic performance. So whether you’re an aspiring youth athlete or a seasoned marathon runner aiming for better race times, this type of training has got something for everyone.

Ready to take on the challenge? Picture yourself sprinting with a parachute trailing behind or partnering up with someone while wearing resistance bands. These exercises will test your limits and help transform you into a faster and more formidable runner.

So why wait? Lace up those shoes and get ready to conquer the track with some resistance running training!”

Speed Training with Resistance

Here are five effective ways to incorporate resistance into your speed training routine: parachute sprints, weighted sled pulls, resistance band sprints, partner resistance band sprints, and weighted vest sprints.

Parachute Sprints

Parachute sprints are a great way to improve your running speed. Here are some important facts about this type of training:

  1. Parachute sprints overload your muscles during sprinting workouts, which helps to increase overall muscular resistance.
  2. The speed parachute adds resistance by creating drag as you run, forcing your muscles to work harder and increasing their strength.
  3. Different sizes of parachutes provide different levels of resistance, allowing you to gradually increase the challenge as you get stronger.
  4. Sprinting with a chute not only increases your power and speed, but it also improves your stride length and frequency during acceleration and maximum speed phases.
  5. Incorporating parachute sprints into your training routine can significantly improve your running velocity and make you a faster runner.

Weighted Sled Pulls

Weighted sled pulls are a great way to improve running speed and performance. Here are some important things to know about weighted sled pulls:

  • Studies recommend not reducing running speed by more than 10% during weighted sled pulls.
  • Heavy sled training can increase maximum velocity, but it’s better to focus on resisted sprinting instead of overloaded running.
  • Choose straightforward workouts and training programs that show improvements in speed and performance when using weighted sled pulls.
  • The most common method for resistance sprint training is resisted sled training, either by towing the sled with your shoulder or waist.
  • Sled sprinting can enhance sprint performance through both sled pushes and sled pulls.

Resistance Band Sprints

Resistance band sprints are a great way to improve your speed, agility, and strength. They can help you become faster and more powerful in your running. Here are some key benefits of resistance band sprints:

  1. Increased Speed: Resistance band sprints challenge your muscles to work harder, leading to increased speed on the track or trail.
  2. Enhanced Power: By adding resistance with bands, you’ll develop greater power in your legs and improve your explosive acceleration.
  3. Improved Agility: Resistance band sprints require you to control your body movements while being pulled by the bands, which helps enhance your agility and coordination.
  4. Injury Prevention: Regularly incorporating resistance band sprints into your training routine can help strengthen the muscles that support your joints, reducing the risk of running-related injuries.
  5. Versatile Training: Resistance bands are portable and easy to use, allowing you to perform sprints anywhere – at home, in the gym, or even on vacation.

Partner Resistance Band Sprints

Partner Resistance Band Sprints are a great way to enhance your running performance. By incorporating resistance bands attached to a partner during sprints, you can strengthen the muscles used in sprinting and improve your ability to generate force. Here are some key benefits of Partner Resistance Band Sprints:

  1. Improved Speed and Power: Partner resistance band sprints help you develop explosive power and speed by providing resistance as you sprint forward. This resistance forces your muscles to work harder, resulting in increased strength and power.
  2. Enhanced Acceleration: The added resistance from the bands helps you build stronger leg muscles, which can improve your acceleration off the starting line. This can be especially beneficial for sprinters or those looking to improve their overall running speed.
  3. Reduced Risk of Injury: Partner resistance band sprints can actually help minimize the risk of injury while sprinting. The controlled tension provided by the bands helps stabilize your joints and muscles, reducing the likelihood of strains or pulls.
  4. Specific Muscle Targeting: These sprints specifically target the muscles used in sprinting, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. By activating and strengthening these muscles through resistance training, you can optimize your running form and efficiency.
  5. Versatile Training Option: Partner resistance band sprints can be easily incorporated into your training program at any fitness level. Whether you’re an experienced athlete or just starting out on your running journey, these sprints can be tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Weighted Vest Sprints

Weighted vest sprints are a great way to improve your speed and performance as a runner. Here are some effective tips for incorporating weighted vest sprints into your training routine:

  1. Start with a light – weighted vest and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger and more comfortable.
  2. Warm up properly before starting your sprint training to prevent any injuries.
  3. Begin by doing short sprints of around 20 – 30 meters, focusing on maintaining good form and technique.
  4. As you get more comfortable, increase the distance of your sprints gradually.
  5. Incorporate interval training into your weighted vest sprints by alternating between short bursts of maximum effort and periods of active recovery.
  6. Remember to keep your core engaged and maintain proper running posture throughout the sprints.
  7. Focus on driving your arms forward forcefully to generate more power during each sprint.
  8. Take short breaks between each sprint to allow yourself to recover before the next one.
  9. Mix up your training by adding in other resistance exercises such as parachute sprints or partner resistance band sprints.
  10. Stay consistent with your training routine and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your weighted vest sprints over time.
  11. Listen to your body and adjust the weight and intensity of the vest based on how you feel during each session.
  12. Incorporate rest days into your training schedule to allow for proper recovery and muscle growth.
  13. Keep track of your progress by recording your sprint times and distances, so you can see improvements over time.
  14. Stay hydrated throughout your workouts, especially when using a weighted vest as it can make you sweat more than usual.
  15. Lastly, have fun with your training! Enjoy the feeling of challenging yourself and pushing past your limits with weighted vest sprints.

Conclusion on Resistance Running Training

In conclusion, resistance running training is a valuable tool for runners looking to improve their speed and strength. By incorporating these 15 effective tips into your training routine, you can master the art of resistance running.

Remember to start with basic exercises and gradually progress as you build strength. Stay consistent and stay dedicated to see the results in your performance on the track or road.

Happy running!

FAQs on Resistance Running Training

1. How can resistance running training benefit me?

Resistance running training can improve your speed, strength, and endurance while also helping to prevent injuries by building strong muscles and improving running technique.

2. Can I do resistance running training if I’m a beginner?

Yes, beginners can start with basic exercises like hill sprints or using resistance bands during regular runs. It’s important to gradually increase intensity and duration as you build strength and endurance.

3. What equipment do I need for resistance running training?

For resistance running training, you may use items such as resistance bands or parachutes that attach to your body while you run. However, these are optional as there are also natural options available like uphill terrain.

4. How often should I incorporate resistance running into my routine?

It is recommended to incorporate resistance running into your routine 1-2 times per week, allowing at least one day of rest in between sessions for recovery.

5. Are there any precautions I need to take when doing resistance running training?

Always warm up before starting the exercises and listen to your body – if something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately. Also make sure you have proper footwear and good form during exercises to avoid injury

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