Author: Cynthia McMillan

  • Running Weekly Schedule: 7 Essential Tips for Mastery

    Running Weekly Schedule: 7 Essential Tips for Mastery

    I understand, managing your running goals can sometimes feel like a mammoth task. Trust me, I’ve spent countless hours meticulously creating the ‘perfect’ weekly running schedule – it seemed more exhausting than the run itself! However, after swathes of research and learning from trial and error encounters, my patience bore fruit. Here are seven game-changing…

  • What Is The Pose Method Of Running Training: Tips for Success

    What Is The Pose Method Of Running Training: Tips for Success

    The Pose Method of Running is a technique that focuses on vertical alignment and the use of gravity for efficient and injury-free running. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a proper running pose, utilizing the fall and pull techniques to enhance performance. Explanation of the Pose Method The Pose Method is a way to move…

  • What Is The Norwegian Method Of Running Training: Tips for Success

    What Is The Norwegian Method Of Running Training: Tips for Success

    Ever found yourself marveling at the unstoppable prowess of Norwegian runners? I know, it’s hard not to. Searching for an answer led me on a wild ride of investigation into their distinctive training technique. The mysterious strategy in question? It’s fondly known as the Norwegian Method of Running Training – a secret weapon of athletes…

  • What Is Aerobic Running Training: 13 Proven Tips for Growth

    What Is Aerobic Running Training: 13 Proven Tips for Growth

    Ever felt like your running progress is stuck in a rut? As an enthusiastic runner myself, I completely understand the frustrations of seeing plateaued speed and endurance. Believe it or not, numerous scientific studies point towards aerobic running training as the magic key for breakthroughs for runners at all stages. Let’s unravel how this type…

  • What Are Strides In Running Training: 7 Top Tips for Success

    What Are Strides In Running Training: 7 Top Tips for Success

    Bolting faster isn’t just a whimsical desire for many passionate runners, but cracking the code to attain this is often an uphill battle. I’ve certainly encountered my own share of speed hurdles and scratched my head over how to leap past them. After exhaustive research and countless trials, running strides took center stage as a…

  • How Do You Periodise Running Training: 9 Top Tips for Growth

    How Do You Periodise Running Training: 9 Top Tips for Growth

    As a fellow runner, I understand the thirst for improvement and growth. In my quest to break personal boundaries, I discovered that periodization in running is essential. It’s been quite an enlightening journey, during which I’ve collected nine incredibly useful tips on how to seamlessly adopt this strategy into your training plan. Ready to elevate…

  • Run Training Sessions: 13 Top Tips for Mastery

    Run Training Sessions: 13 Top Tips for Mastery

    Taking on the challenge of running farther, faster and staying injury-free is a hurdle that even the most experienced runners grapple with. You can believe when I say, I’ve walked (or rather run) in those shoes: dealing with pesky blisters, panting heavily after a sprint—you’ve got it! In this blog post, we’re going to dive…

  • How Do I Create A Running Training Plan On My Garmin: Tips for Success

    How Do I Create A Running Training Plan On My Garmin: Tips for Success

    Ever felt a bit overwhelmed while trying to create a personalized running training plan on your Garmin device? You’re certainly not alone. In fact, many find this task quite challenging. But here’s the intriguing part: researchers assert that utilizing the Garmin training plans can substantially boost our race goals and overall performance. Fear not! This…

  • Does Apple Watch Have Running Training Plans: Tips for Success

    Does Apple Watch Have Running Training Plans: Tips for Success

    Just invested in an Apple Watch, huh? You’re probably brimming with enthusiasm, expecting that gadget on your wrist to revolutionize your running routine with its supposed built-in training plans. Well, I hate to break it to you – but that’s not quite how it works. The hard truth is there are no such ready-made running…