Running And Strength Training Schedule: Tips for Success




Running And Strength Training Schedule

Are you a fervent runner on the hunt for ways to blend strength training into your workout regimen? I get it, the struggle is real. But trust me; it’s not as intimidating as it may seem.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into practical tips for seamlessly weaving in strength-boosting exercises such as squats or lunges into your running schedule. So, lace up those running shoes and join me on this thrilling fitness odyssey that will catapult your running prowess to unprecedented levels!

Key Takeaways

  • Strength training is beneficial for runners because it helps prevent injuries, improves overall performance and health, and enhances running form.
  • The American Heart Association recommends doing strength training at least two days per week. Aim for 2-3 leg strength training sessions every week.
  • To integrate strength training into your exercise schedule effectively: schedule sessions twice a week, consider the intensity of your runs when scheduling strength training, mix up your workouts between running and resistance training days, prioritize compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, include exercises that improve coordination and balance, don’t forget about upper body exercises like rows and lat pulldowns.
  • Some effective strength training exercises for runners include squats, lunges (including reverse lunges), planks, glute bridges, mountain climbers, calf raises, Russian twists with added resistance bands if possible.

Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

Strength training for runners has numerous benefits, including injury prevention, improved overall performance, enhanced overall health, and better running form.

Injury prevention

Strength training is my key to stay free from injuries. By building power in my muscles, I keep them tough and ready for all of my runs. Hip abductor and quadriceps are the main focus as they help me fight off running-related troubles.

After sticking with a 12-week strength plan, I found out that it’s an effective shield against injuries! Trust me, those who go through proper strengthening exercises for runners will find fewer problems along their path.

This routine even helps lessen arthritis pain and gives better movement to joints. Let’s not forget how it builds strong joints too! So let’s be smart runners and aim for injury-free journeys with the right strength training.

Improved overall performance

Strength training gives your running a big boost. It helps in many ways! For one, it makes you faster. This is because strength exercises work on your muscles. They make them stronger and better at pushing off the ground.

Next, it raises your stamina. This means you can run for longer without feeling tired.

Not just that, you also get less hurt when you do strength training along with running. So no more missed runs due to pain or injury! Plus, this type of workout helps you use energy well while running.

That equals smooth and easy runs for you.

A Caucasian runner is captured mid-stride on a scenic trail surrounded by nature.

Improved overall health

Strength training gives my body a full workout. It helps to control my blood glucose levels and lowers my blood pressure. This leads to less risk of chronic diseases. Regular strength workouts also make my bones strong and keep my joints healthy.

I noticed that it makes me sit and stand tall, which is good for my posture too. Not just young runners, even those over 60 can use strength training to stay healthy in their old age.

Better running form

Having good running form is crucial for runners because it can greatly improve performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Strength training plays a key role in developing better running form by improving core stability, joint strength, and balance.

When your core is strong, it helps to maintain proper posture and alignment while running. This leads to more efficient movement and reduces the strain on your joints. By incorporating strength exercises that target different muscle groups used in running, such as squats and lunges, you can develop the muscular endurance needed for maintaining good form throughout your runs.

So, if you want to improve your running form, don’t forget to include strength training in your exercise routine!

How Often Should Runners Be Doing Strength Training?

As a runner, it’s important to include strength training in your exercise routine. The American Heart Association suggests doing strength training at least two days per week. For your legs specifically, aim for 2-3 strength training sessions every week.

Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced runner, working out with weights two or three days per week is ideal. Even if you have limited time, squeezing in one 20-minute strength training session can still be beneficial.

Strength training helps prevent injuries, improves overall performance and health, and enhances running form. So make sure to incorporate it into your schedule for optimal results!

How to Integrate Strength Training into Exercise Schedule

Incorporating strength training into your exercise schedule can help enhance your running performance and prevent injuries. Here are some tips to help you integrate strength training effectively:

  • Schedule strength training sessions twice a week to give your muscles enough time to recover.
  • Consider the intensity of your runs when scheduling strength training. It’s best to avoid doing intense strength training on the same day as a hard run or race.
  • Mix up your workouts by alternating between running and resistance training days. This helps prevent burnout and keeps your routine interesting.
  • Prioritize compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, such as squats, lunges, and planks.
  • Include exercises that improve coordination and balance, like single-leg exercises and stability ball exercises.
  • Don’t forget about upper body exercises like rows and lat pulldowns to maintain overall strength and posture.

10 Great Strength Training Exercises for Runners

Here are 10 effective strength training exercises that runners can incorporate into their workout routine: squats, lunges and reverse lunges, planks, glute bridges, mountain climbers, calf raises, Russian twists, resistance band exercises, rows, and lat pulldowns.


Squats are a great strength training exercise for runners. They target important running muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. By strengthening these muscles, squats can help improve your running performance and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

Squats are a compound exercise, which means they work multiple muscle groups at once. This makes them efficient and effective for building overall lower body strength. In addition to targeting leg muscles, squats also engage your core muscles, helping to improve stability and balance while running.

By regularly incorporating squats into your strength training routine, you can increase muscle strength and power, which allows for greater force generation when you’re out on the road or trail.

Lunges and Reverse Lunges

Lunges and reverse lunges are great strength training exercises for runners. Lunges mimic the running motion and help to strengthen the back, hips, and legs while improving mobility and stability.

Reverse lunges specifically target the quads and to some extent the glutes. These exercises can be incorporated into your routine by doing 3 sets of 10 per leg. Another beneficial lunge variation for runners is walking lunges, which help strengthen the lower body and core.

So don’t forget to include lunges and reverse lunges in your strength training program to improve your running performance!


Planks are an important exercise for runners because they help strengthen the core muscles without straining the neck and back. To do a plank, start on all fours and then lower yourself onto your forearms with your shoulders directly over your elbows.

Then, step your feet back so that you’re in a plank position. It’s important to draw your navel toward your spine and hold this position for a specific amount of time to really work those core muscles.

Planks are one of the essential strength training exercises for runners, so be sure to include them in your workout routine!

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges are a great exercise for runners because they target the glute and hamstring muscles. You can do them on one or two legs, which helps improve strength and stability. Glute bridges are important for running because they increase power and stability, making your runs more efficient.

They are actually recommended as one of the top 10 strength exercises for marathon runners. When you do glute bridges, you’re also targeting the gluteus medius muscle, which helps with pelvic stability during running.

So don’t forget to add glute bridges to your strength training routine!

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a great exercise for runners because they work multiple muscle groups at once. They target the chest, arms, glutes, core, and hip flexors. By incorporating mountain climbers into your workout routine, you can get a total body workout while improving your cardio and overall strength.

Mountain climbers also help to build upper and lower body strength and engage the core muscles. This exercise is perfect for runners who want to become more durable, powerful, and efficient in their running form.

Calf Raises

Calf raises are a great exercise for runners because they help strengthen the calf muscles, which are really important for running. By doing calf raises, you can make your calves stronger and that can help prevent injuries and improve how efficient you run.

Calf raises can be done with both legs at once or with just one leg if you want more of a challenge. So, if you’re looking to improve your leg strength and overall running performance, incorporating calf raises into your strength training routine is definitely something to consider.

Weight Training For Running

Russian Twists

Russian twists are a great exercise for strengthening your abs, especially the muscles on the sides called obliques. They help improve core strength and stability by targeting these important muscles.

Russian twists work not only your obliques but also your transverse abdominus, which helps with good posture and stability. You can make this exercise more challenging by using a medicine ball or a plate for added resistance.

So if you want to develop strong and toned abs while improving your overall stability, give Russian twists a try as part of your strength training routine for running.

Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance band exercises are a great way to strengthen and tone your muscles as a runner. They can help improve your overall strength and form, which is important for running efficiently and reducing the risk of injuries.

Some recommended resistance band exercises for runners include squats, lunges, planks, glute bridges, and mountain climbers. These exercises target specific muscle groups and provide resistance throughout the full range of motion.

By incorporating resistance band exercises into your routine, you can enhance your muscular strength and endurance, ultimately improving your running performance.


Rows are an important exercise for runners because they focus on strengthening the upper back muscles. By doing rows, you can balance out the strength in your chest and improve your posture.

This is crucial for maintaining proper alignment while running, which can enhance your performance and help prevent injuries. In addition, rows are recommended to increase overall upper body strength and speed.

So, make sure to include rows as part of your strength training program for optimal results.

Lat Pulldowns

Lat pulldowns are a great exercise for runners because they target the latissimus dorsi muscles, which are important for generating force during runs. This compound movement also works other muscle groups simultaneously, making it efficient and effective.

Proper form and technique are vital when performing lat pulldowns to get the maximum benefit and avoid injury. You can also change your grip width during this exercise to target different muscles.

So, incorporate lat pulldowns into your strength training routine to strengthen your back muscles and improve your running performance!

In-Depth Guide to Running and Strength Training Schedule

To create an effective running and strength training schedule, it’s important to find a balance that works for you. Incorporating strength training into your routine twice a week is recommended.

When scheduling your strength workouts, consider the intensity of your runs. It may be best to schedule strength training on easier run days rather than long run or hard workout days.

There are many options available for your strength training exercises. You can choose from different routines, workouts, and classes that target specific muscles. With 24 different routines available, each including a PDF for quick reference, you have access to a variety of resources that can help you customize your running and weightlifting schedule.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when combining running and weightlifting. It’s important to find what works best for you and make adjustments as needed. By finding the optimal schedule that balances both activities effectively, you can maximize the benefits of both running and strength training in improving performance and overall health.

Benefits of Running for Strength Athletes

Running for strength athletes provides a range of benefits, including improved endurance and strength, the opportunity to build mental stamina, and the ability to find enjoyment in a different form of physical activity.

Improved endurance and strength

Strength training is not just for bodybuilders; it can greatly benefit runners too. When you incorporate strength training into your running routine, you can expect improved endurance and strength.

This means you’ll have more stamina to go the distance and more power to push through tough runs. Strength training helps develop your muscles and improves their ability to withstand repetitive movements, reducing fatigue and enhancing performance.

It also boosts your aerobic capacity and cardiovascular fitness, allowing you to run faster and longer without getting tired as quickly. So, if you want to take your running to the next level, make sure to include strength training in your workout schedule!

Build mental stamina

Building mental stamina is crucial for runners who want to improve their performance and achieve their goals. It involves developing focus, discipline, resilience, determination, motivation, confidence, mindset, persistence, and concentration.

Mental training can help you push through the tough moments during a run when your body wants to give up. It allows you to stay motivated and maintain a positive attitude even when faced with challenges.

Running is not just about physical training; it’s also a mental sport. By working on building mental strength along with your physical strength, you can become a stronger runner overall and enjoy the benefits of improved endurance and better performances.


Strength training is not only beneficial for improving your running performance, but it can also add a sense of enjoyment and variety to your routine. By incorporating strength exercises into your workouts, you can enhance the overall experience of running.

Whether it’s doing squats, lunges, or planks, these exercises not only work different muscle groups but can also make you feel stronger and more motivated during your runs. Feeling accomplished after completing a challenging strength workout can bring pleasure and satisfaction to your fitness journey.

So don’t be afraid to mix things up and find joy in both running and strength training!

Engaging in regular strength training alongside your running routine can lead to long-term consistency and enjoyment in your fitness journey. By focusing on building endurance, enhancing performance, and preventing injuries through strength exercises, you are setting yourself up for longevity in the sport.

Strength training allows you to unlock new levels of physical capabilities that translate into improved running experiences. Not only will you feel stronger physically but mentally as well – pushing through those tough reps or holding that plank position builds mental stamina that carries over into every aspect of life.

How to Balance Running and Strength Training

To balance running and strength training, it is important to consider exercise order and intensity. Find out the best strategies to maximize your performance. Read more for a detailed guide on how to achieve optimal results.

Exercise order

When it comes to balancing running and strength training, the order of your exercises is important. To get the most out of your workouts, start with cardiovascular exercises like running or jogging before moving on to strength training.

This way, you can prioritize your cardio workout while still having enough energy for weightlifting or resistance exercises. By doing cardio first, you warm up your muscles and prepare them for the more intense strength training that follows.

This helps prevent injury and allows you to maintain proper form during both types of exercises. So remember, when planning your workout routine, make sure to consider the exercise order for optimal results!

Strength training volume

For effective strength training, it’s important to consider the volume of your workouts. This means taking into account how much time and effort you put into your strength training exercises.

Tracking your training volume can help you manage and plan your workouts effectively. It allows you to adjust the amount of strength training according to your individual needs and goals as a runner.

Whether you’re looking to build muscle, enhance performance, or prevent injuries, finding the right balance of strength training volume is key. So pay attention to how much you’re doing and make adjustments as needed in order to optimize your results.

Strength training intensity

Strength training intensity is a crucial factor in your running and strength training schedule. Finding the right balance between challenging yourself and avoiding injury is important for success.

When it comes to intensity, you want to push yourself enough to stimulate muscle growth and improve performance, but not so much that you risk overtraining or burning out. Additionally, remember that everyone’s fitness level is different, so what may be intense for one person may not be the same for another.

By listening to your body and gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts over time, you can steadily progress without pushing yourself too far. It’s also important to allow for proper rest and recovery days to give your muscles time to repair and rebuild.

Other Tips for Optimal Health and Performance

Engage with your blood glucose levels to optimize performance and recovery. Stay in Zone 2 training for longer endurance and stamina building. Incorporate anaerobic exercises for explosive power.

Try pickleball as a fun cross-training option. Prioritize nutrition and hydration for overall health and fitness goals.

Engage with your blood glucose levels

It’s important to pay attention to your blood glucose levels when engaging in physical activity, especially as a runner. Exercise can lower blood glucose levels by increasing insulin sensitivity, which means that your body uses insulin more effectively to regulate blood sugar.

However, the body’s need for extra glucose during exercise can also lead to low blood sugar levels. By monitoring and managing your blood glucose levels before, during, and after running or strength training sessions, you can ensure optimal performance and prevent any potential issues related to glucose regulation.

Regular aerobic exercise is often prescribed for diabetes prevention and management, while weight lifting can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance. Both forms of exercise improve insulin action and contribute to overall better glucose control.

Zone 2 training

Zone 2 training is a type of exercise where you work out at a heart rate that is around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. It’s great for improving your endurance and also helps with higher intensity activities like weightlifting and sprinting.

When you do cardio exercises in Zone 2, such as cycling, swimming, rowing, or running, it can really boost your performance and reduce the risk of stress-related issues. Not only that, but it also allows you to build endurance and improve metabolic health without needing long recovery periods.

Regular Zone 2 training can even lower your resting heart rate and increase your VO2 max for better overall fitness.

Anaerobic Exercise

When it comes to exercise, anaerobic exercise is an important part of a well-rounded fitness routine. It includes activities like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), weight lifting, circuit training, and strength training.

Anaerobic exercises have many benefits for runners and athletes alike.

One key benefit of anaerobic exercise is that it can help increase the strength and density of your bones. This is especially important for runners as it can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Another advantage is that during anaerobic exercise, your body relies on energy sources stored in the muscles themselves. This means you’re able to work at a higher intensity for shorter bursts of time.

Anaerobic exercise also has positive effects on muscle health maintenance. It can upregulate certain proteins called myokines while downregulating others. These myokines support the overall health and functioning of your muscles.


Pickleball is a fun and fast-paced sport that offers many benefits for runners like us. It provides a great cardio workout, helping to improve our cardiovascular health and endurance.

Not only does it get our heart pumping, but playing pickleball also helps to enhance agility, muscular endurance, and hand-eye coordination. The best part is that it’s a low-impact sport, which means it’s easy on the joints and suitable for individuals with joint issues or injuries.

By incorporating pickleball into our workout routine, we can work on muscle conditioning, balance, mobility, and agility. Adding cardio exercises specific to pickleball can further enhance our overall fitness and performance.

Nutrition and hydration

Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for optimal performance and overall health. As a running enthusiast, it’s important to fuel your body with the right nutrients and maintain adequate fluid levels.

Dehydration can greatly impair athletic performance and even lead to serious consequences like collapse or death. To stay properly hydrated, aim to drink enough fluids during exercise so that your fluid losses do not exceed 2% of your body weight.

Additionally, athletes who exercise or train for more than 90 minutes should consume carbohydrates, possibly with protein, within two hours after their workout. Including carbohydrates in your diet plan is crucial as they provide the energy needed for endurance activities like running.

Strength Training Exercises for Women Over 50

Here are ten effective strength training exercises that specifically target the needs of women over 50: squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, core work, resistance band work, deadlifts, step-ups, planks and rows.


Squats are an amazing exercise, especially for women over 50. They work the major muscles in your lower body, like your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. These muscles are important for running because they help with power and stability while you’re on the move.

Squats can also help strengthen your core muscles and improve your balance. Plus, they can even burn calories! By including squats in your strength training routine, you can prevent injuries and improve your overall strength and fitness level.

Remember that when doing squats, it’s important to maintain proper form. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself down as if you were sitting back into a chair.

Keep your knees aligned with your toes and make sure not to let them go past the tips of your toes. As you come back up from the squat position, push through your heels to engage the right muscles.


Lunges are a great exercise for runners, as they target important muscle groups used in running. By regularly performing lunges, you can strengthen and tone your calves, glutes, and quadriceps.

Lunges are also a unilateral exercise, which means they train one side of the body at a time. This helps to improve balance and stability while running. You can modify lunges by adding weights or doing reverse lunges to target different muscles.

Incorporating lunges into your strength training routine will help engage and strengthen the specific muscles necessary for running, ultimately helping to prevent injuries. So don’t forget to include lunges in your fitness routine!


Push-ups are a great exercise for women over 50 who want to strengthen their upper body and improve their overall fitness. They can be done anywhere, without any equipment, making them a convenient choice for strength training.

Push-ups target the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. By regularly incorporating push-ups into your workout routine, you can increase muscle strength and endurance in these areas.

Plus, push-ups also engage stabilizer muscles throughout your body, helping to improve balance and coordination. So don’t underestimate the power of this simple yet effective exercise!


Pull-ups are a great exercise for strengthening your back and shoulder muscles. It’s important to note that they can be challenging, especially for women over 50. But don’t worry, with practice and consistency, you can build up your strength and power.

By incorporating pull-ups into your strength training routine, you’ll not only improve your upper body strength but also increase overall fitness levels. So give pull-ups a try and see the positive impact they can have on your running performance!

Core Work

Core work is an important part of a running and strength training schedule, especially for women over 50. Having strong abdominal muscles helps improve posture, which is essential for good running form.

When your core is strong, it provides stability and balance while you run, reducing the risk of injuries. Additionally, core exercises are beneficial for maintaining muscle mass and bone strength in postmenopausal women.

They contribute to overall fitness and help you stay strong and fabulous as you age. So don’t forget to include some core work in your exercise routine!

Resistance Band Work

Resistance band work is an excellent addition to a running and strength training schedule, especially for women over 50. It can help improve muscle strength and tone, which not only protects joints from injury but also promotes overall physical health.

Resistance bands provide constant tension throughout the exercises, ensuring that muscles are engaged throughout the entire movement. This leads to more effective strength training and better results.

Additionally, resistance band exercises can help women over 50 maintain flexibility and balance, which are important for remaining independent as they age. So don’t forget to incorporate resistance band work into your routine for enhanced fitness and performance!


Deadlifts are a great exercise for strengthening your hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and core muscles. They can also help relieve back pain and improve mobility. If you’re a woman over 50, adding deadlifts to your strength training routine can be especially beneficial.

Deadlifting can help with muscle gain and fat loss, promoting overall health and fitness. In fact, deadlifts are included in the list of the 11 best moves for strength training for women over 50.

Plus, heavy strength training exercises like deadlifts can even improve your running performance by changing how your muscles and tendons work together. So don’t be afraid to include deadlifts in your workout routine!


Step-ups are an advanced exercise that can really strengthen your leg muscles. It’s a great choice for women over 50 who are doing strength training. Step-ups can also help improve uphill running by making your legs stronger.

This exercise is especially good because it works each leg individually, which helps with balance. Plus, step-ups can help prevent falls and support better muscle function as you get older.

So if you want to challenge yourself and build up those leg muscles, give step-ups a try!


Plank exercises are a fantastic addition to any strength training and running routine, especially for women over 50. Planks are great for working out the core muscles without straining the neck and back.

They target specific muscle groups like your abs, back, and shoulders, which helps increase overall muscle strength and power. By regularly including planks in your workouts, you can build a strong core that supports better posture and stability while running.

This will enhance your fitness level and improve your performance both on the road or trail!


Rows are a fantastic strength training exercise that targets the upper and middle back muscles. They can help improve your posture and strengthen your upper body. There are different variations of rows, including seated rows where you pull a cable or resistance band towards you while sitting down.

Rows are versatile and can be easily incorporated into a circuit or workout routine. Plus, they’re great for building lean muscle and improving overall fitness, especially for women over 50 looking to stay strong and healthy.

So why not give rows a try in your next workout?

Conclusion on Running And Strength Training Schedule

Incorporating strength training into your running schedule can lead to better performance and reduced risk of injury. By finding the right balance between running and strength training, you can improve your overall fitness and reach your goals as a runner.

Remember to listen to your body, rest when needed, and have fun with your workouts. With a well-rounded approach that includes both running and strength training, you’ll be on the path to success in no time.

FAQs on Running And Strength Training Schedule

1. Can I run and do strength training on the same day?

Yes, you can run and do strength training on the same day as long as you plan your workouts carefully, allow for proper rest and recovery, and listen to your body.

2. How often should I include strength training in my running schedule?

It is recommended to include strength training exercises at least 2-3 times a week in your running schedule to improve overall performance, prevent injuries, and build stronger muscles.

3. What are some examples of strength training exercises for runners?

Some examples of strength training exercises for runners include squats, lunges, leg presses, calf raises, planks, push-ups, and core exercises like sit-ups or Russian twists.

4. Can running alone be enough to build muscle?

Running alone is not typically enough to build significant amounts of muscle mass. Strength training exercises that specifically target different muscle groups are necessary for muscle development.

5. Is it important to warm up before running or doing strength training?

Yes, warming up before both running and doing strength training is important as it helps prepare your muscles for physical activity by increasing blood flow and flexibility while reducing the risk of injury.

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