What Should Be Included In A Running Training Log: Tips for Success




What Should Be Included In A Running Training Log

Ever found yourself scratching your head over how to make the most out of a running training log? Trust me, you’re not alone. Like many others, I too once grappled with what should fill these pages aside from just my miles run.

Table of Contents

But through plenty of research and trial-and-error, I discovered that a meticulously maintained log could be pivotal in enhancing your running times and efficiency significantly. Sounds intriguing, right? Well then, let’s jump into exploring how keeping thorough track of your road warrior journey can take your performance to new heights!

Key Takeaways

  • Keeping a running training log can enhance your running performance by providing motivation, monitoring progress, and identifying patterns.
  • In the training log, record important details such as distance, time, pace, workout specifics (intervals, hills), injuries or discomfort, and overall feelings and mood.
  • Recording these details helps you track your progress over time and make necessary adjustments to your training plan.
  • By consistently logging your runs and analyzing the data in your training log, you can optimize your training strategies and set achievable goals for better performance.

Benefits of Keeping a Training Log

Keeping a training log has numerous benefits for runners. It provides motivation, allows for progress monitoring, helps identify patterns, tracks injuries and adjustments, sets clear benchmarks, manages mindset, and optimizes rest and recovery.


I use a running log to stay on track. It gives me that extra push I need to lace up my shoes and hit the pavement, even when I don’t feel like it. Seeing the progress I’ve made creates a feeling of pride in me.

That pride stirs up more drive to stick with my routine and keep pushing forward. This performance improvement isn’t just about becoming faster or stronger – it’s also about maintaining self-discipline and commitment, both vital for any runner’s success.

Progress Monitoring

Keeping track of your runs helps you to stick to your plan. It also lets you see how far you have come. This is what we call progress monitoring in running. You can note down things like the distance and time.

This way, you can see if you are getting faster or able to run for longer.

With a running log, self-reflection becomes easy. It’s like looking into a mirror that shows your running life! You will know if the hard work is paying off, or if it’s time to change something in your routine.

Training logs reduce the risk of fatigue as well because they help manage workload better.

A runner in a park uses a tablet to check their training log while surrounded by a bustling atmosphere.

Identifying Patterns

Seeing patterns in your workout is important. A running log shows you these patterns. It records all the things you did during each run. This might include how far you ran or what kind of food you ate before running.

With this record, it’s easy to see when your runs go well and when they don’t go so well. You can think about why a run was bad or good based on the data from your log. If we spot something that works, we stick with it! If something isn’t working, we change it! This way, our workouts keep getting better over time.

Tracking Injuries and Adjustments

Monitoring and tracking injuries and adjustments is a crucial aspect of keeping a running training log. It allows you to identify patterns and make necessary changes to your training plan.

By recording any discomfort or injuries you experience during your runs, you can better understand how certain factors may be affecting your performance. This information helps in preventing future injuries and adjusting your training load accordingly.

Whether it’s modifying the intensity or duration of your workouts or incorporating rest days, having this data readily available can guide you towards a safe and effective training routine.

Setting Clear Benchmarks

Setting clear benchmarks in your running training log is crucial for monitoring your progress and setting achievable goals. By recording specific metrics such as time, distance, pace, and workout details, you can measure your performance over time.

This allows you to evaluate the results of your training efforts and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, setting targets and documenting milestones in your training log not only helps you stay motivated but also provides a reference point to assess your development as a runner.

So make sure to regularly analyze advancements in your log and use them as a guide to continually challenge yourself and strive for new achievements.

Managing Mindset

Managing your mindset is an important aspect of keeping a training log. When you record your workouts and progress, it helps you stay motivated and focused on your goals. It’s easy to get discouraged or lose sight of why you’re running, but when you can see how far you’ve come and all the progress you’ve made, it boosts your confidence and keeps you accountable.

Keeping a training log also allows for better planning and helps in setting clear benchmarks for yourself. So, make sure to manage your mindset by regularly logging your runs and using it as a tool to inspire and motivate yourself along the way.

Optimizing Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are essential for my body to heal, repair, and grow stronger. When I exercise, I create small muscle tears that need time to be repaired during rest. This repair process leads to muscle growth and improved performance.

By keeping a training log, I can track how my body responds to exercise and determine what specific rest and recovery needs it has. Additionally, the training log helps me organize and save information about my exercise routine so that I can work towards my fitness goals effectively.

Monitoring resting heart rate in the training log is also valuable as it provides insights into my recovery and overall fitness level. Remembering to prioritize rest and recovery will help me optimize my running performance while reducing the risk of overtraining or injury along the way.

What to Record in a Running Training Log

Record important details like distance, time, pace, workout specifics, injuries or discomfort, overall feelings and mood. These records will help you track progress and make necessary adjustments to your training plan.


Recording distance is a crucial part of keeping a running training log. It helps me track my progress and measure improvements in my running performance. Distance includes not only the total mileage I cover but also factors in various physiological aspects of my run.

By quantifying the distance, I can evaluate my endurance, stamina, and overall fitness level. Additionally, monitoring the distance allows me to set clear benchmarks for myself and see how far I’ve come in achieving my goals.

Whether it’s a short sprint or a long-distance run, capturing the distance covered helps me understand my capabilities better and make adjustments to my training as needed.


Recording the time or pace of each run is crucial when keeping a running training log. It helps track how long it took to complete a run and at what speed. This information is important for monitoring progress and setting goals.

By noting the duration, speed, and mileage, you can see improvements over time and understand which areas need more focus. Additionally, recording split times during workouts can help analyze performance during intervals or tempo runs.

Keeping track of your heart rate, rest intervals, and recovery time also gives insights into your fitness level and helps optimize training strategies.

A runner enjoying the beauty of nature in a scenic park.


Recording the pace of each run is an important part of keeping a running training log. By tracking your pace over time, you can see improvements in your running performance. In his book “On Pace,” Matt Fitzgerald explains how conventional training methods may actually hinder you from running faster.

To accurately track your pace, you can use wearable sports trackers that can measure your cadence and pace for different sports activities. So, don’t forget to include your pace in your training log to monitor and improve your running speed!

Workout Details (Intervals, Hills, Cross-training)

In my running training log, I always make sure to include details about my workouts, such as intervals, hills, and cross-training. Intervals help me improve my speed and endurance by alternating between high-intensity bursts of running and periods of recovery.

Running hills challenges my muscles and builds strength, which is important for tackling inclines during races. Cross-training activities like cycling or swimming give my body a break from running while still maintaining fitness.

By recording these workout details in my training log, I can track the types of exercises I’ve done and how they contribute to improving my overall performance.

Injuries or Discomfort

When it comes to keeping a running training log, it’s important to record any injuries or discomfort you experience during your runs. This will help you identify patterns and potential problems that could be impacting your performance.

For example, if you consistently have leg pain during your runs, this could indicate poor form or overtraining. By noting these issues in your training log, you can address them and seek effective treatment if needed.

Additionally, recording injuries or discomfort will also provide valuable information for future reference and help you make adjustments to your training plan as necessary. Remember to be specific about the type of injury or discomfort experienced and note any changes made in response.

Overall Feelings and Mood

In my running training log, I always make sure to record my overall feelings and mood during each workout. It’s important because exercise can have an impact on our mood and mental well-being.

By tracking how I feel during my runs, I can gain insights into the effects of different workouts on my emotions. For example, if I notice that I feel more energized and positive after a certain type of workout, like running intervals or doing hill sprints, it helps me understand which workouts are most beneficial for boosting my mood.

On the other hand, if I consistently feel drained or frustrated during specific types of runs, it may indicate areas where I need to make adjustments or seek improvement. Overall, monitoring how exercises affect our feelings and mood in a training log allows us to optimize not just our physical performance but also our mental well-being.

Recording my overall feelings and mood in my training log also helps me celebrate moments of satisfaction in running. As we all know, there are days when running feels effortless and amazing while other days can be a struggle.

By documenting how we feel after each run – whether it’s a sense of accomplishment from completing a challenging workout or simply enjoying the experience – we can look back at these entries as reminders of our progress and achievements along the way.

Understanding What Should Be Included In A Running Training Log

A running training log is a record of your runs and workouts. It helps you keep track of important information that can help improve your running performance. So, what should be included in a running training log?.

First, make sure to record the distance you ran in each workout. This will give you an idea of how far you’re progressing with each run. Next, write down the time it took you to complete the run.

This will help you see if you’re getting faster over time.

Another important thing to include is your pace during the run. Your pace is how fast or slow you’re running per mile or kilometer. Tracking your pace can help you monitor your progress and set goals for improvement.

In addition to these basic details, it’s also helpful to note any specific workout details such as intervals, hills, or cross-training activities. These additional details can provide insights into specific areas of your training that may need adjustment.

Don’t forget about injuries or discomfort experienced during a run! Recording any pain or discomfort will help identify patterns and potential issues that need attention.

Finally, jot down how you felt overall during the run – both physically and mentally. Did it feel easy? Challenging? Energizing? This information provides valuable context for analyzing future runs and adjusting accordingly.

By including all these elements in your running training log, you’ll have a comprehensive record that not only tracks your progress but also helps guide future training decisions.

Choosing the Right Method for Logging

There are different options to choose from when it comes to logging your running training, including a handwritten notebook or an online/app-based log.

Handwritten Notebook

I suggest using a handwritten notebook as your method for logging in a running training log. With a notebook, you can easily record the details of each run and race. It’s great to have a hard copy of your running log because it serves as a tracking tool that you can physically flip through and refer back to.

In your notebook, make sure to include all the important information about each run, race, and training plan. This will help you optimize your running performance and achieve success on your journey.

Online or App-based Log

I find that using an online or app-based log for tracking my running training is really helpful. It’s convenient because I can access it from anywhere, whether I’m at home or on the go.

Plus, there are lots of different options to choose from, so you can find one that suits your needs and preferences. With digital logging, you can easily record important data like distance, time, pace, and even details about different workouts like intervals or hills.

Some apps even allow you to track injuries or discomfort and note down how you’re feeling overall. It’s a great way to keep all your information in one place and make it easier to analyze your progress over time.

Tips for Keeping a Consistent Training Log

Be consistent by logging your training immediately after each run.

Make it a Habit

Keeping a training log is all about consistency. It’s important to make it a habit and record your runs regularly. By doing so, you can stay accountable to your goals and track your progress over time.

Whether you choose to use a handwritten notebook or an online app, find a method that works for you and stick with it. Remember to be detailed in your entries, logging everything from distances and times to how you felt during the run.

Make it a routine to log immediately after each run so that nothing gets forgotten. By making logging a habit, you’ll have valuable data at your fingertips that can help inform your training decisions and optimize your performance.

Be Detailed and Specific

When keeping a running training log, it’s important to be detailed and specific in your entries. This means jotting down all the key information about your run, including the distance covered, the time it took you, and your pace.

Don’t forget to include any details about the workout itself, such as intervals or hills, as well as notes on how you felt during the run and any discomfort or injuries you may have experienced.

Being detailed and specific in your log will help you accurately track your progress over time and make adjustments to your training plan accordingly.

Log Immediately after the Run

When it comes to keeping a consistent training log, one important tip is to log your run immediately after you finish. As soon as you’re done with your run, take a few minutes to record the details in your training log.

You can do this before hopping in the shower or while stretching. By logging right away, you ensure that all the information is fresh in your mind and accurate. It also helps with accountability and consistency because you’re less likely to forget or skip recording if you do it right after running.

Logging immediately after the run allows you to capture important data like distance, time, pace, and any specific details about your workout such as intervals or hills. So make it a habit to log immediately for better tracking of your progress and adjustments to your training plan.

Include Relevant Data (Heart Rate, Weather Conditions)

When keeping a running training log, it’s important to include relevant data like heart rate and weather conditions. Monitoring your heart rate during exercise can provide valuable insights into your fitness level and help track improvements over time.

Additionally, noting the weather conditions, including factors like temperature and humidity, can help you understand how external factors may have affected your performance. By including these details in your training log, you’ll have a more comprehensive picture of your workouts and be better equipped to make adjustments to optimize your training.

What to Do with the Data

Analyze your progress over time, adjust your training plan accordingly, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate milestones and achievements.

Analyze Progress over Time

Analyzing progress over time is crucial for tracking improvement in your running performance. By consistently documenting your training data, you can monitor how your body adapts to different workouts and identify patterns that lead to better results.

This includes tracking parameters such as distance, time, pace, average power, and fatigue levels. Looking at the relationship between training load and performance parameters can provide valuable insights into optimizing your training plan.

By analyzing the data from your running training log, you can make adjustments and set clear benchmarks to continue progressing towards your goals. Remember that consistency and reflection are key when using your training log to drive improvement in your running journey.

Adjust Training Plan Accordingly

I always make sure to analyze the data from my running training log so that I can adjust my training plan accordingly. This helps me customize my workouts and make informed modifications based on my progress over time.

By identifying areas of improvement, I am able to tailor my training to target specific weaknesses and optimize my performance. It’s important to remember that personalized and evidence-informed training plans require adjustments and adaptations as we advance in our running journey.

So, by using the information from our training logs, we can make specialized changes that will help us reach our goals effectively.

Identify Areas of Improvement

Analyzing the data in your running training log can help you identify areas for improvement in your training. By looking at your progress over time, you can see where you might be falling behind or struggling.

This information can guide you in making adjustments to your training plan and focusing on specific areas that need improvement. Maybe you notice that your pace is not improving as quickly as you’d like, or perhaps you consistently struggle on hills during your runs.

These insights from analyzing your training log can help you set goals and create strategies to address these weaknesses and improve overall performance. Remember, continuous improvement is key to reaching new levels of success in running!

Celebrate Milestones and Achievements

When it comes to running, celebrating milestones and achievements is an important part of staying motivated and achieving your goals. Whether it’s completing your first 5K race or setting a new personal best time, taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate these accomplishments can help build momentum, improve morale, and make challenging times feel more worthwhile.

Recognizing and celebrating even small goals along the way is also crucial in maintaining motivation and fulfilling larger goals. In the workplace, celebrating success can have similar effects by boosting motivation and productivity.

So don’t forget to take a moment to pat yourself on the back for your hard work and dedication in reaching those running milestones – you’ve earned it!

Tools and Resources for Tracking and Analyzing Data

Explore the various options available, such as GPS watches, running apps, and online platforms, to effectively track and analyze your training data. Discover how these tools can help you optimize your performance and achieve your running goals.

GPS Watches

GPS watches are awesome tools for tracking and analyzing your running data. They’re like wearable sports trackers that can measure all sorts of things, like how fast you’re going (your pace), how many steps you’ve taken, and even your heart rate.

With GPS watches, you can also see maps of where you’ve run and get accurate distance measurements. It’s super helpful for keeping track of your training progress and making sure you’re on the right path to success as a runner.

Plus, they make running more fun and exciting because you can see real-time updates about your performance while on the go. So if you want to take your running game to the next level, definitely consider getting yourself a GPS watch!

Running Apps

Running apps are a great tool for tracking and analyzing your running data. They can be used with GPS tracking devices like Fitbit and Garmin, allowing you to accurately record your distance, time, and pace.

These apps also offer features such as interval training, hill workouts, and cross-training options to add variety to your runs. With the ability to sync with other fitness trackers and devices, running apps provide a convenient way to keep all your fitness data in one place.

Whether you prefer Map-my-Run or Runtastic, these apps make it easy to monitor your progress and stay motivated on your running journey. So lace up those shoes and let the app do the rest!

Online Platforms

Online platforms are a great tool for tracking and analyzing your running training logs. They provide a wide range of resources and tools to help you keep track of your progress and gain insights into your performance.

These platforms offer data management, analytics, and access to various instruments and supplies that can enhance your training experience. By using online platforms, you can easily monitor your distance, time, pace, workout details, injuries or discomforts, overall feelings and mood during each run.

You can also analyze this information over time to identify patterns or areas for improvement. With the help of these platforms, you can optimize your training plan accordingly and set specific goals for yourself.

Coaching Programs

Coaching programs are valuable resources for runners who want to track and analyze their training data effectively. These programs, such as TrainingPeaks, provide tools and assessments that can enhance the coaching experience.

By utilizing these resources during coaching sessions, athletes can evaluate their progress and make necessary adjustments to their training plans. Additionally, a comprehensive coaching log can record all coaching activities and serve as a valuable reference for both the coach and the athlete.

Investing in these coaching programs allows runners to monitor their performance, evaluate their training effectiveness, and ultimately improve their running abilities.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Training Logs

Neglecting to record unpleasant experiences in your training logs can prevent you from accurately assessing your progress and making necessary adjustments.


Consistency is key when it comes to training for running. One common mistake to avoid is inconsistency in your training log. It’s important to log your runs regularly and accurately.

This means recording not only the distance, time, and pace, but also details about your workout like intervals or hills. Don’t forget to include any injuries or discomfort you may have experienced during the run, as well as how you felt overall.

Being consistent with your training log allows you to track your progress over time and make adjustments to your training plan if needed. So remember, stay consistent with logging your runs for a more effective and successful training journey!

Neglecting to Record Unpleasant Experiences

It’s important to be honest and record both the good and bad experiences in your training log. Neglecting to write about unpleasant runs or races is a common mistake that can hinder your progress as a runner.

Remember, mistakes and bad races happen to everyone. By acknowledging these experiences in your training log, you can learn from them and make adjustments to prevent repeating the same errors.

Tracking changes in your training will also help you avoid falling back into bad habits. Being truthful when logging your running journey is crucial for overall improvement as a runner.

Being Overly Critical

It’s important to avoid being overly critical when keeping a running training log. Self-criticism can hinder your progress and mindset. Sometimes, we tend to focus on our mistakes or shortcomings instead of learning from them.

This negative mindset can lead to an inflexible routine and a faultfinding mentality, which is not helpful for improvement. Instead, try to have a balanced perspective on your runs and analyze failures objectively.

Remember, accurate and consistent data in your log is crucial for tracking progress and making adjustments effectively. So, be kind to yourself and use the information in your training log as a tool for growth rather than self-judgment.

Not Reflecting on the Data

Reflecting on the data recorded in your running training log is crucial for maximizing its benefits. By not taking the time to analyze and learn from the information, you miss out on valuable insights that can help improve your performance.

Neglecting to reflect on the data means you may overlook patterns or trends that could indicate areas of improvement or potential issues. It also means you won’t be able to make informed decisions about adjusting your training plan based on past experiences.

Remember, a training log is only as useful as the effort you put into understanding and applying the data it contains. So take some time regularly to review and reflect on your running history – it’s worth it!

How to Use Your Training Log to Set Goals

Use your training log to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement, then set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to track your progress towards becoming a better runner.

Identify Weaknesses and Areas for Improvement

To improve my running performance, it’s important to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement. By regularly using a training log, I can track my progress and analyze the data to pinpoint any gaps in my training.

This includes considering factors like endurance, physical performance, and other relevant factors that may affect my overall performance. By identifying these weaknesses through my running log, I can focus on specific areas for improvement and work towards becoming a better runner.

Utilizing a training diary allows me to monitor my progress over time and set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). With this approach, I can continuously track my progress and make adjustments to achieve optimal results in my running journey.

Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) Goals

Setting SMART goals is essential for success in running. Here’s why:

  • Specific: Set clear and precise goals that specify what you want to achieve. For example, instead of saying “I want to run faster,” set a specific goal like “I want to decrease my 5K time by 1 minute.”
  • Measurable: Goals should be quantifiable so that you can track your progress. Use metrics like distance, pace, or time to measure your improvements over time.
  • Achievable: Ensure that your goals are realistic and within reach. Setting goals that are too challenging may lead to frustration and demotivation.
  • Relevant: Align your goals with what matters most to you. Consider your personal aspirations, motivations, and priorities when setting running goals.
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline or timeframe for achieving your goals. Having a timeline will help you stay focused and accountable.

Track Progress towards Goals

Tracking progress towards goals is one of the key benefits of keeping a training log. By recording your running data and achievements, you can easily see how far you’ve come and what areas still need improvement.

It’s motivating to look back at your past performances and see the progress you’ve made. Your training log will show you whether you’re on track to achieve your goals, or if adjustments need to be made to your training plan.

You can also identify any patterns or trends in your performance that may help guide future workouts. With all this information at hand, it becomes easier to set new goals and work towards becoming a better runner.

Conclusion on What Should Be Included In A Running Training Log

In conclusion, keeping a running training log is crucial for success. Including key details like distance, time, pace, and workout specifics can help monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.

By consistently recording data and analyzing it over time, runners can optimize their training plans and set meaningful goals to achieve better performance. So start logging your runs today and unlock your full running potential!

FAQs on What Should Be Included In A Running Training Log

1. Why is it important to keep a running training log?

Keeping a running training log helps track progress, identify patterns or areas for improvement, and provides motivation by seeing how far you’ve come.

2. What information should I include in my running training log?

In your running training log, include details like date, distance covered, duration, pace, route description, perceived effort level, weather conditions, and any notable observations or feelings during the run.

3. How often should I update my running training log?

It’s recommended to update your running training log immediately after each run while the details are fresh in your mind.

4. Can I use apps or electronic devices to keep my running training log?

Yes, there are various apps and electronic devices available that can help you keep track of your running data easily. Choose one that suits your preferences and needs.

5. How can analyzing my running training log benefit me?

Analyzing your running training log can help you identify patterns in performance or injuries, make adjustments to reach specific goals like increasing speed or endurance and provide insights into factors that may affect performance such as sleep quality or nutrition choices.

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