Is Rowing Good For Running Training: 3 Top Tips for Mastery




Is Rowing Good For Running Training

Ever found yourself questioning whether rowing could boost your running training? You’re certainly not alone, my friend. In fact, during the course of my research, I discovered that rowing is an incredibly efficient low-impact exercise, working up to a remarkable 85% of our muscles! This article will explore just how effective rowing can be for enhancing your running training regimen.

Table of Contents

We’ll also share some handy tips and techniques to help you get the most from this dynamic workout routine. So strap in and prepare for an exciting new chapter in your fitness journey!

Key Takeaways

  • Rowing is a great low – impact exercise that can benefit running training by working up to 85% of your muscles and helping you get used to doing hard work and then resting.
  • Rowing burns calories fast and can be effective for weight loss and fat burning when combined with other forms of exercise and a balanced diet.
  • Rowing reduces physical stress on your body compared to high – impact activities like running, making it a safer option to prevent injuries or discomfort over time.
  • Rowing provides a refreshing change of pace, enjoyment, and variety to your running training routine, offering the opportunity for an enjoyable outdoor experience if rowing outdoors.

Rowing vs. Running: Which Gives a Better Workout?

Rowing and running both offer unique workout experiences, but which one is better?

Workout Intensity

Rowing can make you sweat like running. You can change the hard work of rowing to be as tough as a run. It is easy to go from slow to fast in rowing just like in running. This helps your body get used to doing hard work and then resting.

That’s good for running too.

Muscles Worked

Rowing works the whole body. It uses big muscle groups in the arms, legs, and core. This makes it a strong way to work out all at once. Building arm muscles is key for rowing right and not getting hurt.

Doing rowing well can use 86% of your muscles. Rowing helps the upper body get strong. A full-body workout like this can add to running training by improving your strength all over.

This makes you run better and keeps you safe from injury too.

Calories Burned

Rowing gives your body a good workout. It is a high-intensity exercise that burns calories fast. If you row at a normal pace, you can burn around 504 calories. That’s pretty good! But it can change based on how hard you work and how long you row for.

Your weight and fitness level also affect the number of calories burned in each workout. Running may burn more calories than rowing, but both are great ways to stay fit and healthy.

Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Rowing and running are both great exercises for weight loss and fat burning. They’re intense workouts that get your heart pumping and calories burning. The amount of calories burned depends on factors like your body size, fitness level, and effort you put into the exercise.

To lose weight and burn fat, it’s important to create a calorie deficit through a combination of exercise and a balanced diet. The rowing machine can be an effective tool for weight loss when used alongside other forms of exercise and healthy eating habits.

So whether you choose to row or run, remember that consistency is key in reaching your goals!

Physical Stress

Rowing is a great exercise for reducing physical stress on your body, especially compared to high-impact activities like running and jumping. When you run, the impact from each step can put stress on your joints, bones, and muscles.

This can lead to injuries or discomfort over time. In contrast, rowing is a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on these areas. It’s a smoother motion that allows you to get a cardiovascular workout without putting unnecessary strain on your body.

So if you’re looking for an activity that helps reduce physical stress while still giving you a good workout, rowing is definitely worth considering!


Rowing can bring a lot of enjoyment to your running training routine. It offers a refreshing change of pace and keeps things interesting. Instead of just pounding the pavement, you get to glide smoothly on the water or simulate rowing indoors.

The rhythmic motion of rowing can be quite soothing and relaxing, allowing you to find a sense of flow and escape from everyday stress. Plus, being out in nature if you’re rowing outdoors can be very rewarding for your mind and spirit.

So give rowing a try, and discover the joy it can bring to your fitness journey!

The Benefits of Rowing as a Running Training

Rowing provides a low-impact, full-body workout that is suitable for everyone and offers numerous benefits for running training.

Low-impact exercise

Rowing is a great low-impact exercise that can benefit your running training in many ways. It puts less stress on your joints compared to higher impact activities like running, which makes it ideal for those with joint issues or looking to prevent back strain.

Rowing helps recruit almost every muscle in your body, giving you a comprehensive and effective workout. Plus, it can be a valuable exercise for fat loss and helping you slim down.

So if you’re looking for an alternative to running that still provides a challenging workout without the impact on your joints, rowing is definitely worth considering.

Full-body workout

Rowing is a fantastic way to get a full-body workout. It engages multiple muscle groups in the body, including the quads, glutes, core, lats, shoulders, hamstrings, biceps, and calves.

When you row regularly, almost every muscle gets activated and strengthened. It’s like working out your whole body at once! Using a rowing machine provides an efficient way to get a complete body workout without having to use different machines for each muscle group.

So if you’re looking for a workout that targets your entire body and helps improve your running training too, rowing is definitely worth considering!

Suitable for everyone

Rowing is a great exercise option for everyone, including those with back and knee issues. It’s a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on your joints, making it easier on your body.

Whether you’re young or old, fit or just starting out, rowing can be a suitable choice for improving your overall fitness. Plus, rowing machines are convenient and can be used at home or in the gym.

So no matter where you are, you can easily incorporate rowing into your workout routine to build strength and improve cardiovascular fitness.

But what makes rowing suitable for everyone? One reason is that it recruits almost every muscle in the body. From your legs to your core to your arms, rowing works them all! This means you’ll get an efficient full-body workout every time you hop on the machine.

Additionally, if you have back issues, rowing can offer relief as it is gentler on the spine compared to other high-impact activities like running.

Alternative to other cardio machines

If you’re looking for an alternative to other cardio machines, rowing is a great option. It provides a low-impact workout that engages not only your legs but also your upper body. This means you get more bang for your buck in terms of muscle engagement and overall body strengthening.

Additionally, rowing offers versatility in terms of cardio options. You can incorporate it into combination workouts with running or mix it up to add variety to your routine. Not only will rowing help improve heart health and promote calorie burning, but it also offers added benefits such as improved posture and lung capacity.

So if you’re tired of the same old treadmill or elliptical, give rowing a try!

Convenience and accessibility

For running enthusiasts like myself, convenience and accessibility are key factors when it comes to finding the right exercise routine. That’s why rowing machines are a great option for running training.

These machines offer the convenience of a gym workout in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to worry about making it to the gym or dealing with crowded spaces. With a rowing machine, you can exercise whenever you want, fitting it into your schedule seamlessly.

Plus, they’re beginner-friendly and easy to use, so you can jump right in without any hassle. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for an alternative cardio option, rowing machines provide the convenience and accessibility that every runner needs for their fitness journey.

Improves posture

Rowing is a great exercise that can improve your posture. When you row, you have to sit up straight and engage your core muscles to maintain proper form. This helps strengthen the muscles in your back and abdomen, which in turn supports better posture throughout the day.

Additionally, rowing helps to stretch out tight muscles, like those in your chest and hips, which can also contribute to poor posture. So if you want to stand tall and walk confidently, incorporating rowing into your running training routine can definitely help!

Benefits for lungs and heart

Rowing is an excellent exercise for improving the health of your lungs and heart. When you row, your heart rate increases, which helps to strengthen your cardiovascular system. This means that over time, rowing can improve the efficiency of your heart and lungs, allowing them to pump more oxygen-rich blood throughout your body.

With regular rowing workouts, you can experience increased energy levels and improved respiratory health. Additionally, since rowing combines both aerobic training and muscle strengthening, it provides a great overall workout for your entire body.

So if you’re looking to boost the fitness benefits of your running training while also taking care of your lungs and heart, incorporating rowing into your routine is a smart choice!

Additional benefits of using a water rowing machine

Using a water rowing machine has additional benefits that can enhance your running training. One of the key advantages is that it provides a low-impact workout, which means it’s gentle on your joints and reduces the risk of injuries.

This makes it suitable for all fitness levels, including those recovering from an injury or with joint issues.

Another benefit is that rowing on a water rowing machine engages almost every muscle group in your body. It’s a full-body workout that strengthens not only your legs but also your core, back, arms, and shoulders.

This helps improve overall physical strength and increases stamina for running.

Additionally, using a water rowing machine promotes cardiovascular wellness by providing an effective aerobic exercise. It stimulates your heart and lungs while improving their endurance over time.

A woman is rowing on a serene lake surrounded by mountains, captured in a well-lit, natural setting.

Is Rowing Good For Running Training?

Rowing can be very beneficial for running training. It helps improve endurance, fitness, and stamina, which are all important for running long distances. Rowing also strengthens muscles throughout the body, including the legs, core, arms, and shoulders.

This can help prevent injuries and make you a stronger runner.

Not only does rowing give you a great cardiovascular workout, but it also improves your overall fitness level. It works different muscles than running alone and helps build strength in areas that may not get as much attention during your regular runs.

Plus, rowing is a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on your joints compared to running. This means you can get an intense cardio workout without putting too much strain on your body.

Overall, incorporating rowing into your running training routine can have many benefits. It will enhance your performance by improving endurance and muscle strength while minimizing the risk of injury.

So if you’re looking to take your running to the next level or mix up your workouts, give rowing a try!

How to Use a Rowing Machine Correctly

Using a rowing machine correctly is crucial for maximizing your workout and avoiding injuries. From maintaining the rowing motion to perfecting your technique, discover the key tips for getting the most out of this versatile fitness equipment.

Read on to master the art of rowing!

Maintaining the rowing motion

When using a rowing machine, it’s important to maintain the proper rowing motion for effective workouts. This means paying attention to your technique and body alignment throughout the exercise.

Start by sitting upright with good posture, keeping your back straight and shoulders relaxed. As you drive back with your legs, engage your core muscles to maintain stability. Avoid shrugging or hunching your shoulders, as this can strain the upper body muscles.

Instead, focus on using your back muscles to pull the oar towards you while maintaining a firm grip. By maintaining the correct rowing motion, you’ll strengthen your back and build endurance for better running performance without straining other muscle groups unnecessarily.

Proper technique: catch, drive, finish, recover

When using a rowing machine, it’s important to use the proper technique for each part of the rowing stroke. First, there’s the catch, where you have your feet in the stirrups and your legs bent.

Then comes the drive, where you extend your arms fully and push off with your legs. Next is the finish, where you straighten your legs, clutch the handle, and prepare for recovery.

Finally, there’s the recovery phase, where you bend your legs again and move the handle back towards yourself. Following these steps will help ensure an effective and efficient rowing workout.

Common mistakes to avoid

I’ve learned that there are some common mistakes to avoid when using a rowing machine. Let’s take a look at them:

  1. Hunching your back: One mistake to avoid is hunching your back while using the rowing machine. It’s important to maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.
  2. Scooping motion: Another mistake is making a scooping motion with your arms while rowing. This can negatively affect your technique and prevent you from getting the most out of your workout.
  3. Incorrect starting position: When starting on the rowing machine, make sure to sit with your legs bent and feet in the stirrups at a 90-degree angle. This will help you maintain proper form and get the most effective workout.
  4. Incomplete arm extension: During the catch phase of rowing, it’s important to fully extend your arms when grabbing the handle. This will ensure that you’re engaging all of the necessary muscles during each stroke.
  5. Over-reliance on arms: One common mistake beginners make is relying too much on their arms while rowing, rather than using their legs and core muscles as well. This can lead to injuries and strain on the upper body.

Choosing the Right Rowing Machine

Considerations for selection include cost, size, resistance type, and features such as monitor displays and adjustable footrests.

Considerations for selection

When choosing a rowing machine, there are a few things to consider. First, try out different machines before making a decision. This will help you find one that feels comfortable and suits your needs.

Look for a rowing machine with good ergonomics, which means it’s designed to support proper technique and minimize the risk of injury. Consider the Concept 2 rowing machine, as it is often regarded as one of the best options available.

And remember, investing in a high-quality rowing machine can provide long-term benefits for your fitness journey. So take your time and choose wisely!

The LIT Strength Machine

The LIT Strength Machine is an amazing all-in-one exercise machine that combines rowing, pilates reformer, and strength training. It offers over 500 low-impact exercises, including cardio, barre workouts, and resistance band exercises.

With its water-driven rowing feature and anchor points for attaching resistance bands, it provides a fantastic full-body workout. The machine also comes with various accessories and attachment points that allow for a wide range of exercise options.

Whether you’re looking to improve your running training or simply want a versatile piece of equipment for your home gym, the LIT Strength Machine is definitely worth considering.

Benefits and features of the LIT Strength Machine

The LIT Strength Machine is an amazing piece of exercise equipment that combines a water rower, pilates reformer, and strength trainer all in one. It offers over 500 low impact exercises, including rowing, cardio, barre, and strength training.

This means you can get a full body workout without putting too much stress on your joints. The machine also has anchor points for attaching resistance bands, allowing you to add extra resistance and challenge yourself even more.

With the LIT Strength Machine’s versatility and variety of exercise options, you’ll never get bored with your workouts!

A rowing machine in a well-lit gym with a view of an outdoor running trail.

Comparison with other rowing machines

When it comes to rowing machines, there are a few top contenders that stand out from the rest. To help you decide which one is the best fit for your running training, I’ve compiled a comparison of some of the best options on the market.

Rowing MachinePerksDrawbacks
LIT Strength MachineIt’s a low-impact machine that provides a full-body workout. It’s also a great option for cross-training.However, it’s worth noting that it may not provide the outdoor-like experience some rowers prefer.
Hydrow RowerNoteworthy for its overall use and it’s foldable, making it a convenient option for home gyms. It also simulates an outdoor-like experience.On the downside, it may not provide as much resistance as other machines.
NordicTrack RW900It’s the best for cross-training, offering a wide variety of workout programs and resistance levels.The potential drawback is its size, as it might not be the best fit for smaller spaces.
Echelon Row-SIt’s a robust rowing machine that offers effective calorie burning and a total-body workout.However, it might not provide the same level of immersive, outdoor-like experience as other machines.

Remember, the best rowing machine for you will depend on your specific goals, preferences, and the space you have available.

Tips for Getting a Great Cardio Workout with Rowing

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your cardio workout with rowing. Ready to take your training to the next level? Read on!

Focus on posture and technique

When using a rowing machine, it’s important to focus on your posture and technique. This will help you get the most out of your cardio workout. Make sure to sit up straight with your shoulders back and avoid hunching over.

Keep your core engaged and use proper form when performing each stroke. This means starting with a strong leg drive, followed by a powerful pull with your arms, and finishing smoothly before recovering for the next stroke.

By maintaining good posture and technique, you’ll strengthen the correct muscles, prevent injuries, and maximize the benefits of rowing for running training.

Gradually increase intensity

To get a great cardio workout with rowing, it’s important to gradually increase the intensity. This means starting at a comfortable level and slowly challenging yourself as you get stronger and more confident.

By monitoring your progress and adjusting the intensity levels, you can push yourself to new limits without risking injury or burnout. Increasing the intensity gradually will not only improve your rowing workouts but also help you achieve your weight loss and overall fitness goals.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to building endurance and getting fitter over time. So don’t rush the process – take it step by step and enjoy the journey towards better health!

Monitor your heart rate

During a rowing workout, it’s important to monitor your heart rate. This can help you track your progress and adjust your intensity levels. Many rowing machines have built-in heart rate monitors, making it easier for you to keep an eye on your heart rate while exercising.

By using this information, you can tailor your workouts to target specific heart rate zones, which will give you the maximum cardiovascular benefits. Monitoring your heart rate during exercise allows you to optimize the effectiveness of your training and make adjustments as needed.

It’s also helpful in knowing your Training Heart Rate Range (THRR), so that you can customize your workouts according to specific goals.

Mix in strength exercises

To maximize the benefits of rowing for your running training, it’s important to mix in strength exercises. By incorporating strength training into your routine, you can enhance your overall fitness and improve your performance.

One of the best exercises for rowing performance is the front squat, which targets key muscles used in rowing. Squatting helps build leg and core strength, which are essential for generating power during both rowing and running.

Additionally, other strength exercises like lunges, deadlifts, and planks can also help improve muscle endurance and stability. Remember to focus on proper form and gradually increase the intensity of your strength workouts over time.

3 Rowing Workouts for Beginners

Get started with rowing by trying these three beginner-friendly workouts.

Basic rowing workout

To get started with rowing, you can try a basic rowing workout. This is perfect for beginners who are just starting out and want to build their endurance and strength. Start by sitting on the rowing machine with your feet strapped in and your knees slightly bent.

Grab the handle with an overhand grip, keeping your arms straight. Push off with your legs while leaning back slightly, then pull the handle towards your chest as you lean forward again.

Repeat this motion for about 10-15 minutes at a comfortable pace, focusing on maintaining proper technique. Remember to engage your core and use your legs, not just your arms, to generate power.

Interval training

Interval training is an important component of any competition preparation. It helps you learn to compete with more intensity. With interval training, you do intense work periods followed by lower-intensity rest periods.

Rowing is a great option for interval training because it allows you to alternate between intense and lower-intensity intervals. You can adjust the intensity of your rowing workouts based on your fitness level.

So, give interval training a try and see how it boosts your physical fitness and prepares you for those competitive races!

HIIT workout

When it comes to getting a great cardio workout, HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is a popular choice among runners. And guess what? Rowing can be an excellent option for a HIIT workout! It’s intense, it burns calories like crazy (up to 900 per hour!), and it improves your cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Best of all, you can complete a rowing workout in a short amount of time, making it super efficient. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete, you can tailor the intensity and duration of your rowing HIIT workouts to suit your fitness level.

So get ready to push yourself and reap the rewards!

How Rowing Can Enhance Your Running Training

Rowing offers a range of benefits that can greatly enhance your running training. From improved cardiovascular endurance to full-body strength and conditioning, rowing is a fantastic cross-training option for runners.

Discover the many ways in which rowing can take your running to the next level by reading more here.

Improved cardiovascular endurance

Rowing is a great way to improve your cardiovascular endurance, which is how well your heart and lungs can deliver oxygen to the working muscles. It’s important for running because it helps you go longer without getting tired.

Rowing uses large muscle groups in both the upper and lower body, giving your heart and lungs a good workout. This helps increase their strength and efficiency over time. So if you want to enhance your running training, rowing is definitely worth considering!

Full-body strength and conditioning

Rowing is an excellent way to build full-body strength and conditioning, which can greatly benefit your running training. When you row, you engage major muscle groups in your arms, legs, and core.

This helps to strengthen these muscles over time, making you more powerful and efficient in your running stride. Regularly incorporating rowing into your training routine 2-3 times a week can lead to a stronger core, upper body, and a more powerful drive when you run.

This increased strength can ultimately improve your marathon time and overall performance as a runner. So if you’re looking for a workout that will give you a total-body challenge while enhancing your running abilities, rowing is definitely worth considering!

Low-impact cross-training

Rowing is an excellent form of low-impact cross-training that can greatly benefit runners. It allows you to work out your whole body without putting too much stress on your joints.

With rowing, you can improve your cardiovascular fitness and enhance your running performance while reducing the risk of injury or knee pain. By incorporating rowing into your training plan, you add diversity and variety to your workouts, which can help keep you motivated and prevent boredom.

So if you’re looking for a joint-friendly workout that complements your running routine, give rowing a try!

Injury prevention

Injury prevention is a crucial aspect of any training program, including rowing and running. When it comes to rowing, bad technique can increase the risk of injury. Seeking guidance from a rowing coach can help improve your technique and reduce the chance of getting injured.

On the other hand, incorporating rowing into your running training can actually help reduce the risk of injuries. By cross-training with rowing, you are giving your body a break from the high-impact nature of running while still maintaining cardiovascular fitness and building overall strength.

It’s important to remember that warming up properly before each session is key in preventing common rowing injuries. So, if you’re looking to prevent injuries while boosting your running performance, consider adding some rowing workouts into your training routine!

Key Tips for Mastery in Rowing and Running

To achieve mastery in rowing and running, consistency and frequency are key. Proper nutrition and hydration play a vital role in fueling your workouts, while incorporating rest days allows for recovery and prevents overtraining.

Listen to your body’s cues for when to push harder or take it easy, and don’t be afraid to seek guidance from coaches or experienced athletes who can help you improve your technique and performance.

Consistency and frequency

Consistency and frequency are key to becoming a master in rowing and running. By being regular, persistent, and dedicated in your training, you can build endurance, improve technique, and achieve your fitness goals.

It’s important to commit to a consistent schedule of rowing and running workouts, making them a regular part of your routine. This will help you develop the discipline needed for mastery while allowing your body to adapt and progress over time.

Remember to listen to your body, incorporate rest days for recovery, and seek guidance or coaching when needed. With consistent effort and frequent practice, you’ll see improvements in both rowing and running performance.

Proper nutrition and hydration

As a running enthusiast, I understand the importance of proper nutrition and hydration for optimal performance. When it comes to rowing and running training, fueling your body with the right nutrients is key.

To support your training and competition demands, it’s essential to follow a high-energy and carbohydrate-rich diet that provides you with the energy needed for long workouts. This means including foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals.

Alongside nutrition, staying hydrated is crucial throughout both rowing and running sessions. Proper hydration helps maintain your body’s fluid balance, regulates temperature, and supports muscle function.

Make sure to drink enough water before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration. If you’re engaging in intense or prolonged workouts or exercising in hot weather conditions, consider replenishing electrolytes lost through sweat by consuming sports drinks or adding electrolyte supplements to your water.

By paying attention to proper nutrition and hydration as part of your overall training plan for rowing and running, you can support optimal performance on both land and water while avoiding fatigue or potential health risks related to inadequate fueling or dehydration.

Incorporating rest days

Rest days are crucial for both rowing and running. They give our muscles time to recover and prevent the risk of injury. As a beginner, it’s important to aim for 2-3 rest days per week.

Rest days not only help strengthen our bodies but also improve focus and motivate us to keep training. So don’t forget to include rest days in your rowing and running routine – they’re just as important as the workouts themselves!

Listening to your body

Listening to your body is crucial when it comes to both rowing and running. It’s all about being aware of your body, paying attention to its signals, and tuning into its needs. By listening to your body, you can prevent injuries and optimize your performance in both activities.

Your body has a way of communicating with you through physical intuition and feedback. It’s important to sense any discomfort or pain that may arise during rowing or running and take action accordingly.

By taking care of yourself, you can continue enjoying these activities for a long time while achieving your fitness goals.

Seeking guidance and coaching

If you want to become better at rowing and running, seeking guidance and coaching can make a big difference. Coaches can give you personalized training plans and feedback to help you improve your technique and performance in both sports.

They can also help you set realistic goals and track your progress along the way. Additionally, experienced coaches can teach you how to avoid common mistakes and reduce the risk of injuries.

Having someone to hold you accountable and provide motivation can also greatly increase your chances of staying consistent with your training. So don’t be afraid to reach out for guidance from knowledgeable experts who can help you master rowing and running!

Conclusion on Is Rowing Good For Running Training

In conclusion, rowing is a fantastic option for running training. It provides a low-impact workout that strengthens your entire body and helps improve your cardiovascular health. To master rowing, remember to focus on proper technique, gradually increase intensity, and listen to your body.

Adding rowing to your training routine can enhance your running performance and take your fitness to the next level. So grab a rowing machine and get ready to enjoy the benefits of this incredible exercise!

FAQs on Is Rowing Good For Running Training

1. Is rowing a good form of training for running?

Yes, rowing is a great cross-training exercise for runners as it works different muscle groups and provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout.

2. How can rowing improve my running performance?

Rowing helps to build strength in the legs, core, and upper body, which can enhance overall running power and endurance.

3. Can I use rowing as my sole form of training for running?

While rowing is beneficial for runners, it’s important to incorporate other forms of training such as running-specific exercises and workouts to target specific muscles used in running.

4. How often should I include rowing in my running training?

Including 1-2 sessions of rowing per week alongside your regular running routine can help improve overall fitness and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

5. Are there any tips to master both rowing and running effectively?

To maximize the benefits from both activities, ensure proper technique by seeking guidance from qualified instructors or coaches for both rowing and running. Gradually increase intensity or duration of each activity to prevent overexertion or injury.

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